Pied Piper - Tickets on Sale 9am 4th November 2024

About The Players

Our pantomime productions are staged primarily at the Lecture Hall George lane. we have used other local locations from time to time.

Dance & Choreography

This role is undertaken with great skill and artistic flair by Vicky Codling from Funky Feet School of Dance & Performing Arts.

The pantomime offers her pupils the opportunity to perform on stage to the wider community of Loddon.

Many of the dancers have gone on to take acting roles in our productions. Some have also used the opportunity to further their careers in dance and performing arts.


Musical Director

In 2011 Alan Cant stepped up to the demanding role of musical director for our pantomimes and has made a great impact with his quiet and relaxed approach.

We are delighted that after a few years break, Alan was back in that role for our forthcoming pantomime Mother Goose in March 2023 & will be performing again in  Treasure Island in January 2024

Set Design

Set Construction is in the capable hands of Alan Harper-Bourne with support of other members.

Lighting & Sound

Lighting and Sound are undertaken by members of the Players with support from Matt  Day

Summer Productions

The Loddon Players put on summer play most years since formation of Chet Valley Players in 1986.
“Bonaventure”, “Clerical Errors”, “See How They Run”, “Pools Paradise”, “Fingers”, “Wild Goose Chase”, “Scarlet Ribbons” and “Murdered to Death” are but a few of their productions which have spanned over 30 years.

We have also staged many Variety Concerts, including “The Big C 30th Birthday Bash” in 2010, which raised over £,2,000.

Our latest play production was in 2018 with Peter Gordon’s comedy whodunnit – “Death by Fatal Murder”.

In 2019 we staged our first major musical production on Annie, in conjunction with Funky Feet School of Dance and Performing Arts.

Our latest production was a Variety Show in June 2023

Pantomime Dames

Derek Loyd

20 Appearances as the dame between 1976 - 1998

Anthony Bunting

16 Appearances as the dame between 1999 - 2024

Graham Orpet

3 Appearances as the dame between 2013 - 2015

alan clarke2

Alan Clarke

Appeared as the dame in 1987

Mike Johnson

Appeared as the dame in 1988

David Bolam

Appeared as the dame in 1996

Mike Catling

Appeared as the dame in 2010

Christian Lovick

Appeared as the dame in 2016

The Committee

Jackie Bingham - Chair

Jackie has been a member of the Players since 1998, first as performer and then as Director. Her past roles have been as treasurer & vice chair. She is currently directing
our Pantomime in January 2024.

Steve Burton - Vice Chair

Steve is our past and current Pantomime Producer and script writer for more than 12 years. He brings a wealth of experience and expertise to our team.

David Bingham - Treasurer

David took on the role of treasurer in 2021 having been a supporter and helping on performance nights with lighting and sound. He also runs our Box Office and oversees website design and management.

Maureen Larkin - General Secretary

Our longest serving member and performer for many year. Maureen now continues her support not only as our general secretary but also as the Players ambassador, spreading our story to the local and wider communities.

Ana Harper-bourne - Minute Secretary

Ana has been supporting the Players behind the scenes for many years. In recent times she has been playing an increasing role through her work on on the committee and in productions on stage.

Vicky Codling

Our choreographer, Vicky's creative talents in performing arts bring so much to our group! Vicky is also our safeguarding lead, ensuring we meet the requirements of keeping children and young people safe during productions.

Alan Harper-Bourne

An engineer by profession, Alan has oversight of set construction for all our productions. He sources, makes, builds, fixes and stage-manages everything required so that the staging all comes together on performance nights.

Gina Buntrock

As our former Chair for many years, Gina continues to bring her enthusiasm and experience. She has also trodden the boards for the Players in a number of past productions. both in pantomime and other drama.

Vicki McDicken

Our newest committee member, Vicki has joined us following a number of perfomances in recent productions. She brings a fresh enthusiasm and impetus to the benefit of the Players.