Pied Piper - Tickets on Sale 9am 4th November 2024

Snow White – 2020


Producer/ Script

Choreographer/ MD

Review – T Rymer NODA – Jan 2020

In the clever opening scene, the Evil Queen (Vicki McDicken) is seen preening in front of her Magic Mirror (Great prop), as she seeks reassurance that, “She is the fairest of them all”!

The screen comes to life and a well defined image of Snow White is seen projected through the Magic Mirror as a voice over (voice by Jackie Bingham) declares that it is Snow White (Kerri Sharpen) who is undoubtedly the fairest in the land.

This was a dramatic opening sequence as the scene is set for the Queen clearly is ‘not amused ‘ by this revelation… the story is introduced and progressed by the cheeky delivery from the Narrator (Holly Pinder) she portrays a frustrated actor who has been overlooked for a leading role in the panto…her asides and attempts to ‘join in’, are nicely interjected at every opportunity, it made for real comedy moments to complement the tale.

Of course the Evil Queen takes ‘steps’ to ensure that Snow White will be despatched as soon as possible!

However the arrival of Dame Dora (Anthony Bunting), to a huge welcome from the audience, brings his unique style of Norfolk repartee and outrageous costumes to the ‘party’. His witty banter and audience engagement adds so much to Loddon pantos and never fails to please.

She of course has an ever so slightly ‘dim’ son, Muddles (Christian Lovick) who clearly relishes his opportunity to engage with the audience and adds a vitality to the whole show as we greet his every entrance with “Muddles” if anyone steals his parcel!

Now the evil Queen has a Henchman, Herman (Peter Samain) who although appearing tough and unpleasant, turns out to be a real softy!

From nowhere a Monkey (Shane Baxter) appears and attempts to scare the Dame Herman and Muddles, he however bucks the trend, and indeed succeeds in clearing the stage with his monkey antics and the odd screech, too cuddly by half!
Surely the dame should scare him off ?!

The kitchen slapstick scene was a necessary diversion and some well aimed custard pies made us all laugh! Dame D was well and truly smothered…very brave!

Off to the woods and the dashing Prince Richard (Matthew Pike) seeks directions to the Palace and is directed by Snow White, disguised as a peasant.

Back at the Palace, Herman and the two palace guards (Paul Clark and Howard Dover) have captured Snow White and are given instructions by the Queen to take her to the woods and kill her! Oh no!

Of course he doesn’t…! and it’s only now that this panto suddenly springs into another level as our lovely heroin finds the cottage in the woods…Cue the entrance of our tiny stars of this show, as the seven dwarfs march in to that iconic song…Hi Ho, Hi Ho…and of course we have the individual personalities identified by names; the intellectual Prof (Abby Harper-Bourne), Cheeky (Lucy Sutton), and shared roles for; Grouchy (Amy Skepelhorn and Sasha Knight), Dozy (Teagan Doughty and Abbie Playford) Blusher (Ella Clark, Katie bell and Tallulah Godfrey), Tishoo “Bless you” (Imogen Bolderston and Tilly Bell), Smiley (Harry Clark, Caitlin Last and Lucy Bolderston).

Now these characters were superb each delivering their traits with considerable style, clearly relishing their personalities… great comedy from some so young! we loved them all!

Our intrepid Narrator sees an opening, but finds her attempt to be an eighth Dwarf is thwarted… rush to end and Evil Queen, red apple,is she dead?..Dwarfs try but Princes kiss…well you know the story and of course it all turns out well in the end and Snow White marries her Prince in a stunning finale dress, and Dame Dora marries Herman, while the whole cast come together for the rousing finale… phew!

Some lively songs and great interludes of dance and frivolity from Funky Feet dancers added to the whole package as the cast celebrate their success (They must get tired, with thirteen public performances!).
Well done!