Snow White – 2020
“In the clever opening scene, the Evil Queen (Vicki McDicken) is seen preening in front of her Magic Mirror (Great prop)….”
Cinderella – 2019
“You will leave this small, intimate hall with the vision of a transformation scene that would grace any much larger, even professional, performance venue….”
Annie – The Muscial – 2019
2019 broke new ground with our production of Annie together with Funky Feet School of Dance & Performing Arts. Here is the story & NODA review….
Death by Fatal Murder – 2018
“….in true theatre tradition the play went on, by a very talented cast, who earned their tremendous applause at the end of the evening….”
Pinocchio – 2017
“Always open with a “Wow”,and here we had a real energetic ensemble song and dance number ending with an uncompromising well timed Trolley trick….”
Sleeping Beauty – 2016
“A new director with some experienced ‘old hands!’, can make a difference to the overall feel of a piece….”