Our Latest Production - Spotlight Express

Summer Productions 1986 to present

Directors include

Our President Joan Evans wrote this in 1994.

“In 1986 it seemed like a good idea to form a drama group, and the Chet Valley Players came into being. Originally this was a separate group, but this proved to be pointless. So many people were involved with both the pantomime and the plays and we shared the same premises and equipment that, eventually and inevitably, the groups merged and adopted the single name of the Loddon Players…”

The first production in 1986 was called Outpatients.

Since then many drama and some variety productions have been performed, sometimes more than one a year. From time to time there have been productions aimed at young people, most notable of which was Daisy Pulls It Off in 1995.

Our final stage play before the pandemic was Death by Fatal Murder – a comedy “whodunnit” by Peter Gordon

That was followed in 2019 by the first major musical production of Annie – in conjunction with Funky Feet School of Dance and Performing Arts. (See separate page). This led to the formation of a separate company called The Funky Theatre Company and many of our members have both performed in and supported their first production Wizard of Oz which was staged in October 2022.

After the pandemic was over and society gradually got back to normal, delighted with the success of our first post lockdown pantomime, we followed that up with a very well received Variety Show in June 2023.